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Quad State Air Compressor Sales & Service

Kaeser M30 Mobilair Portable Compressor

  • Sale
  • $ 20,895.00

Kaeser M30 Mobilair Portable Compressor

Quad-State Air Can Only Ship Kaeser Items To Md, Pa, WV

Please Call 866-597-9150 Or Email sales@quadstateair.com For Assistance

The MOBILAIR® M30 models are versatile
portable screw compressors offering
heavy-duty performance in a lightweight
package. The M30PE is a towable unit with
a polyethylene canopy. M30 Utility (U) is
skid or truck mounted with a steel canopy.
Delivering 100 cfm at 100 psig, both are ideal
for a wide range of applications including
sand/shot blasting, demolition, fence post
driving, irrigation system maintenance,
monument engraving, and general air
tool use. 

 Standard Features:

Direct drive rotary screw airend:
SIGMA PROFILE® produces more
air with less fuel consumption

Heavy duty, 3-cylinder Kubota
diesel engine complies with Tier 4
final emissions standards

Highly efficient cooling system

Rotomolded polymer canopy is
scratch and dent resistant (M30PE)

Skid-mounting with long and short
slots for easy mounting (M30U)

1 micron, 2-stage, compressor inlet
filter with maintenance indicator

10 micron engine air filter with
maintenance indicator

Anti-frost control prevents freeze-up

Tool box for convenient storage