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Quad State Air Compressor Sales & Service

Kaeser M17 Mobilair Portable Compressor

  • Sale
  • $ 14,655.00

Kaeser M17 Mobilair Portable Compressor

Quad-State Air Can Only Ship Kaeser Items To Md, Pa, WV

Please Call 866-597-9150 Or Email sales@quadstateair.com For Assistance

 The MOBILAIR M17 is compact and 
dependable compressor that delivers 60 
cfm @100 psig. Perfect for a variety of 
applications including light construction, post 
driving, carpentry, and monument engraving. 
With a folding handle, oversized pneumatic 
tires, and compact design, these units are 
easy to move around virtually any job site.

 The M17 features KAESER’s power saving 
SIGMA PROFILE airend. This efficient 
KAESER design maintains steady pressure 
and signature performance to lower your 
fuel bill by delivering maximum cfm per 
horsepower. Driving the airend is a quiet 
but powerful Honda engine with modulation 
control which match air output to load 
demand. They have a simple electric starter 
with keyed ignition and an easy-to-read 
control panel.
 The scratch, dent, and impact resistant 
rotomolded polyethylene shell takes a 
beating and still protects the unit. Inside, the 
compressors are protected by a 4 micron inlet 
filters rated at 99.9% efficiency, allowing these 
units to operate in virtually any construction 

 Standard Features:
 • Single stage, oil injected rotary 
screw airend with power-saving, 
proprietary SIGMA PROFILE®
 • 4-cycle, V-twin industrial duty Honda 
gasoline engine
 • Compressor and engine are 
disengaged for easy starting, even 
in cold conditions
 • Convenient one-touch electric start
 • Control panel displays pressure and 
hour meter
 • Protective rotomolded polyethylene 
• Vibration isolation for smooth, quiet 
 • 4 micron air intake filters protect the 
 • Fuel shut-off valve
 • Large capacity battery
 • Spin-on separator